Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the Mare Island Company?
The Mare Island Company attaches a single name to a focused team. Assigned by the owners of the island’s developable land (Nimitz Group), and its managers and developers (Southern Land), our team is entirely focused on the enduring vision and values that will shape Mare Island for years to come.
What is the Mare Island Company proposing?
The Mare Island Company seeks to revitalize and transform the Island into a mixed-use community with an array of housing choices, entertainment, hospitality, and business opportunities.
When do you expect to break ground? What is the general project timeline?
In preparation of the draft Specific Plan, we studied every aspect of the island, engaged with the community, and worked with the City of Vallejo. The draft Land Use Plan, which is the basis for the draft Specific Plan, was introduced to the community in March 2024, and the draft Specific Plan was submitted to the City in October, 2024, as required by the Disposition and Development Agreement passed by the Vallejo City Council in early 2022.
At present, this document is subject to review by City staff. When they've identified their preferred process for moving forward, we'll share that information with you by posting it on our website. And the City will also select their environmental consultant who will begin the complex process of drafting a new Environmental Impact Report (EIR), that will provide a thorough analysis of traffic and environmental impacts of the proposed plan. In addition, the City and MIC staff will begin drafting a new Disposition and Development Agreement that will be based on the new Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report. Once all three documents are finalized, they will be circulated for public review and required to be approved by various City Departments including the City Council.
The first project we expect to initiate is Connolly Corridor. In March 2022, the Vallejo City Council approved a plan to allow for its development, and The Mare Island Company (MIC) staff is currently working on the detailed design for Phase 1. It will include a mix of food and beverage, retail and open space along the waterfront promenade and coal sheds area. MIC presented the conceptual plan for Connolly Corridor to City staff in June, and the pre-application to the City in September. MIC staff is currently working on the design package for city approval.
We anticipate that a new round of community meetings to discuss all of the above will begin in early 2025.
Is the City supportive of the project?
City officials understand the positive impact this project can have on Vallejo and the greater Bay Area. Any concerns that community members raise we discuss with City officials on a regular basis.
What are the differences between the two terms sheet referenced in the (DDA)?
Please refer to the Community Meeting Presentation titled North Mare Island - DDA on 9/29/21 which is available on our website.
Scope And Design
How large is the project?
Mare Island Co. is looking to develop approximately 800 acres of the 5,000-acre island.
Who is the architect?
We are working with several architects, engineering, and urban planning firms. HOK is leading the team that is developing the new Mare Island Specific Plan, with BCV Architects and Einwiller Kuehl on Connolly Street. As the project continues, more specialists will be added to the team.
Will there be height limits? What will the increased density look like?
We will follow the regulations put in place by the City of Vallejo.
How can you ensure historic preservation?
We place a high priority on maintaining Mare Island’s legacy – while creating an urban space that ensures equity and diversity. Preservation of the island’s significant historic resources is a key priority.
How will you create an environmentally friendly island?
Being environmentally conscious is one of our top priorities. We have a full-time environmental engineer on staff, and, in addition, as part of the Specific Plan and EIR analysis we are looking into sustainable strategies. We are also consulting with transportation engineers on strategies for car-lite options for Mare Island.
What is your streetscape plan?
There will be enhanced pedestrian amenities such as new sidewalks, curbs, lighting, seating, landscaping, and bike lanes at various locations across the Island. The redevelopment goal for Mare Island is to ensure safety and enjoyment for all.
Will there be surcharging on North Mare Island? And what does that mean?
What is surcharging? Sites made up of soft cohesive or loose mixed soils generally require some form of ground remediation to be viable for development. Simply put, surcharging consists of applying a load on the ground surface that is heavier than the long-term development conditions in order to accelerate consolidation. This ensures that the ground has the strength and stiffness to support the future use.
Surcharging on North Mare Island is necessary and cannot begin until a new Specific Plan is approved and we receive a new certified Environmental Impact Report - a requirement to begin surcharging. North Mare Island will require approximately two million cubic yards of fill to be compacted over a few years. It is anticipated that the surcharging of North Mare Island will not occur until a later phase of Island development.
How many units will be constructed? How many of those units will be affordable?
We submitted our draft Specific Plan to the City in October 2024. It includes a maximum range of dwelling units that could potentially be developed. These estimates were developed in consultation with our experts, elected officials, staff from the City of Vallejo, and community members. As the Specific Plan remains in draft form, these numbers (and the entire Plan) will be reviewed in detail by the City and will be analyzed in detail as part of the environmental impact analysis, which of course may subject the number to change. The number of affordable units will also be part of the ongoing discussions with the city during its review of the draft Specific Plan. The affordable housing program for Mare Island will be included as part of the final Specific Plan documents to be approved by the City.
Will housing be built near transit-friendly areas?
We will include a Transit Oriented Development Plan in our design.
Can members of the public purchase historic houses/buildings?
We do not currently anticipate selling any of the island’s historic homes or buildings.
What are the plans for maintenance of the existing officers’ mansions?
There are many historic buildings on Mare Island that require regular maintenance and periodic repairs. Repairing these buildings requires significant capital and resources and will take time to assess, oversee and complete. We have a maintenance and restoration plan that prioritizes buildings based on their current uses and market needs.
How are you going to mitigate the expected influx of traffic onto the island?
We have hired Fehr & Peers as our transportation consultant and will work with their team, community members, and Vallejo officials and the City’s EIR consultant to address the expected traffic impacts.
Has your team conducted a traffic study? When will it be available to the public?
We are still in the planning and outreach phase of the project, and a traffic study will be done as part of the CEQA process. When complete, it will be available to the public.
How will parking change – more, less, shifts from one place to another?
Parking will evolve in support of new uses on the island and will be reviewed as part of the Specific Plan and EIR process and will be included as part of the new Specific Plan.
Are you going to offer shuttles on and off the island?
We understand the need to couple transportation planning with land planning. We will be exploring all options for enhancing transportation.
Will there be a new bridge or bridges?
No new bridge or bridges are planned at this time. The new specific plan will address future transportation needs.
Are you going to offer enhanced ferry services?
The Water Emergency Transit Authority (WETA) provides the existing ferry service, and we will work with them on strategies for boosting ferry service to and from the Island and meshing it with other transit providers to offer the most effective system possible.
How will you ensure pedestrian safety?
One of our top priorities will be pedestrian safety. We will work with our transportation engineer, Fehr & Peers, a leader in the field of pedestrian safety, and they will play a lead role in this area.
What will the island look like for bicyclists?
Consistent with our goal of making Mare Island as transit-friendly as possible, we intend for the island to have biking infrastructure including bike lanes, biking docks, and bikeshare programs.
What is the plan for open green space on the island?
We recognize the rich natural environment we enjoy on Mare Island, and our plan will seek to strengthen easy trail and sidewalk connectivity among the open spaces on Mare Island – while looking to create new open space opportunities, as well as enhance existing parks and open spaces.
What are you doing to make sure you’ve adequately studied and addressed sea-level rise? Have you made any project changes based on considering this concern?
Our team continues to work with experts to conduct site reviews to assure our project plans will protect Mare Island from climate change. Our team has included climate-induced challenges into our planning.
What are you planning to do about potential flooding? Will you be constructing a seawall?
Our team will work with environmental experts to engineer Mare Island to be resilient, combatting anticipated sea-level rise and other climate change outcomes.
Has the project undergone environmental review?
The prior owner spent 20 years working with multiple Federal, State, and local environmental agencies on the remediation that helped prepare large areas of the land for the island’s future development.
Are there still toxic cleanup issues on Mare Island?
There is more environmental clean-up to be done. For detailed information see the posted presentation on our website from 3/31/21 Townhall.
Will the Mare Island San Pablo Bay Hiking Trail be affected?
The San Pablo Bay Hiking Trail will not be affected by development. We will work with the California State Lands Commission to help arrange for maintenance of the trail.
How will you maintain the Preserve?
The Preserve is owned by the City of Vallejo and so decisions about the maintenance of the Preserve are not ours to make. We look forward to collaborating with the City and the local community on any plans developed for the Preserve.
How will the energy on the island be generated?
We have been exploring the evolving innovations in energy and anticipate the inclusion of smart city practices for energy efficiency.
Will trees be removed?
Some island trees may be removed due to environmental or health-related reasons; new trees will be planted, as well. But we do not anticipate a significant removal of existing trees.
What are you doing about Community Facility District (CFD) fees?
The current CFD taxes are managed and collected by the City of Vallejo. Under the terms of the City’s recently executed North Mare Island DDA, MIC is to cooperate with the city on the formation of new CFDs as part of the new Specific Plan.
What are the benefits of the project for residents of Vallejo?
It is our desire to revitalize a historic place that will provide interim and long-term recreation, employment, and housing opportunities to residents of Vallejo. Additionally, as part of the Specific Plan, our team will conduct a fiscal impact study, which will be made public once complete.
Have you contemplated what the project’s community benefits package will be? If so, what elements will be included, what specific groups have you negotiated it with, and can you share monetary valuations of those elements?
We are currently working on the community benefits package. We are having conversations with key stakeholders, community members, and elected officials to ensure that the surrounding community’s needs are addressed.
Will there be a community/recreation center?
Our team is exploring how the island operates from a holistic perspective. While gaining an understanding of the ways in which the island works, our goal is to include a range of services that will enrich the operations of this diverse community and bring new amenities to Vallejo.
What is happening with the Mare Island Sports Center?
Multiple structural engineers have confirmed that Building 523 (Sports Center) is seismically unsafe and it was closed in 2020. We understand and appreciate the value the Sports Center brought to the local community over the many years it was active and a new and improved sports facility is an integral part of our plan for the island.
What are you going to do about current business tenants of Mare Island?
We are committed to maintaining and expanding our business-friendly community and hope to retain all existing businesses.
Will there be office space?
Yes. The amount of office space will be determined based on demand, and we also have potential commercial space for an incoming institutional partner, healthcare, industrial/flex, or office campus. We are working to determine what that space will look like. We will outline that program in the Specific Plan.
What kind of businesses do you expect to attract?
Our vision for a successful mixed-use community on Mare Island includes all real estate classes: office, residential, industrial, retail, and hospitality. We are continuously talking to potential tenants that are interested in bringing their business to Mare Island.
What amenities will the project provide?
The best amenities are already here, of course. The expansive natural beauty and our outstanding collection of historic structures best define what is unique and special about Mare Island. Having said that, we are exploring how the island operates from a holistic perspective. While gaining an understanding of the ways in which the island works, our goal is to include a range of services that will enrich the operation of this diverse community and bring new amenities to Vallejo.
Are you going to preserve the golf course?
It is unlikely that the golf course will be restored to its prior layout. We are exploring other options as part of our commitment to open space development and preservation and are in discussions with the City and community members.
Do you plan on bringing in a casino?
There are no casinos under consideration at this time.
Will there be live events on the Island?
Yes, we will continue to bring many fun events for all ages to the island. From art walks to live music events, we will provide and support events that will engage all members of the community.
How are you handling security during construction and once the project is complete?
During construction, all contractors will be required to have a safety plan in place to address site access and any construction impacts. There will be a designated site safety contact who can be reached at any time, and that information will be publicly accessible. Our focus on public safety will be ongoing, and be planned and executed in conjunction with the City of Vallejo & Vallejo PD.
Will there be a police and fire station on the island?
There is currently police and fire presence on the island in building 127, and Vallejo Police officers and Fire Personnel currently patrol the island. Our plans will address any increased safety concerns as Mare Island begins to expand in size. We will work with the City of Vallejo to develop a plan that ensures public safety for all businesses and residents on the island.
Will there be a hospital on the island?
The Veterans clinic currently operates on the island, and we would like to see medical services expand. We do not have current plans for a hospital but would welcome one on the island.
Does Vallejo PD patrol Mare Island?
Vallejo PD officers do periodically patrol the island.
Will Mare Island Co. be providing additional security?
During development, the need for additional security will be evaluated and addressed.
How many temporary and permanent jobs will the project create?
Job creation is one of our top priorities. Exact numbers are hard to predict, but we are focusing all future developments with job creation on top of our list.
Will Southern Land Company commit to the construction being a union project?
We plan on working with local trade unions to come up with the best agreement to benefit the local economy and to gain the full support of local Trade Unions.
Do the local unions support this project?
We intend to gain the full support of the Solano/Contra Costa Trade Unions.
Are you considering jobs training programs? What will they look like? How can I apply? Will Vallejo residents get priority?
We plan to work with local job-training programs to hire and train local workers.
Who will be constructing the project?
Mare Island Co. will be developing many projects going forward, and the contractors will vary from project to project. Additionally, we will continue to strongly encourage all our contractors to hire locally.
What should we expect in terms of development going forward?
This is the first time the North Island, the South Island, and the golf course property are being considered together in preparing a cohesive overall plan. This development is complex and has many challenges, so it will take time. The development of the island will be a multi-generational buildout. Additional market fluctuations could both positively and negatively impact the schedule. More information on this will be available upon the release of the draft Specific Plan.
What will you do to control noise, dust, and vibration during construction?
All contractors will be required to follow City-mandated protocols for noise, dust, and vibration – all of which will be monitored during construction through a construction management plan, the details of which will be included with each phase of the project.
What will you do to mitigate traffic and parking on and off the island during construction?
All contractors will follow City requirements to minimize negative impacts to parking and traffic flow.
Please find our Mare Island Event Parking Map.