“Delights among the decay: Exploring former Navy bases in Alameda, Vallejo.”

September 15th - by Larry Sokoloff, Bay City News Foundation”

“If you can overlook a little decay, make sure to visit the East Bay’s two large former naval bases. You’ll find gardens of delights at both Mare Island and Alameda Point, which have blossomed in recent years.

Among the rusty, rundown buildings, there are restaurants, bars, art galleries, shopping, historic sites, parks, wetlands and great views of the bay. Mare Island, a former naval shipyard, is located near downtown Vallejo, while Alameda Point is the former Alameda Naval Air Station in the city of Alameda.

This isn’t San Francisco’s Army Presidio, which is polished and Instagram-ready. These former naval bases still need lots of restoration and remodeling. But Mare Island and Alameda Point are so interesting, that there’s no need to wait until they’ve been completely redeveloped and rehabilitated.”

Read full Bay City News Foundation article here:

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