September 18, 2024 - Message to the Community

We at the Mare Island Company are pleased to share an update on our ongoing efforts to re-imagine and redevelop Mare Island.

Our commitment to both the City of Vallejo and our greater community remains strong, and we want to ensure that you're well informed every step of the way. Bottom line: we are fulfilling our obligations to the City of Vallejo and its community and working with our partners to advance our common goals. 

What’s happening at present? We submitted the Island Beautification design drawings to the city of Vallejo in April and have been working in partnership with the city to finalize our beautification plans. 

And as we’ve previously shared, we had been awaiting more detailed information from the National Park Service (NPS) on the exact timing of the exciting arrival of ships from the Hyde Street Pier prior to submitting our plans for Connolly Corridor. This was based upon the expectation that design adjustments would need to be made to accommodate the Historic Park Foundations plan for public viewing of the ships, and educational and other accessories to those ships. While we’re hopeful that the ships will arrive soon, we aren’t certain of the exact dates nor the final needs that will accompany their arrival, so we decided to move forward with the submittal of our preliminary plans. We submitted them to the City in mid-September, and we’ll refine them as more information becomes available.

We continue to work with NPS to accommodate their needs when the ships arrive and will work with the city of Vallejo on any necessary modifications to the designs. This is, of course, an extremely complex project with many stakeholders, and one that requires review and approval by various city departments, as well as the approval of the Bay Conservation and Development Commission.

Over the next few months, we expect to have a clearer picture of the overall approval requirements and an agreed-upon schedule for both of these projects. And in early 2025, we expect we will have enough information from all parties to host a community meeting. It will be open to all and give us an excellent opportunity to discuss our next steps, our updated schedule, and the continued evolution of Mare Island.

We appreciate your support as we work together to shape the future of this special place we all love.


The Mare Island Company

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October 11, 2024 - Draft Specific Plan Submitted


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