October 11, 2024 - Draft Specific Plan Submitted

There will be many milestones in the future as we jointly work to re-imagine and redevelop Mare Island. One of those significant milestones took place this weekas The Mare Island Company submitted the Draft Specific Plan to the City of Vallejo.  

A Specific Plan - in this case, a first draft of one - outlines the goals, guidelines, and vision for the development of an area. Covering land use and housing, open spaces, environmental protection measures, public spaces, and the like, it is a first step towards a comprehensive re-envisioning of an area. It will serve as a document to be discussed and negotiated - a blueprint, perhaps - as the city, the community and The Mare Island Company discuss the future of Mare Island.

In the spirit of keeping our promises, it represents the collective efforts of several dozen experts and incorporates feedback from the people who attended the many community meetings we've held on Mare Island and in Vallejo. 

Submitted before the agreed-upon deadline we negotiated with Vallejo, this document will be reviewed by City staff. When they've identified their preferred process, we'll share it on our website. Submittal of the Specific Plan will be followed by the City’s selection of their consultant who will begin the drafting of a new Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that will provide a thorough analysis of the traffic and environmental impacts of the proposed new plan. It is anticipated that a new round of community meetings will begin in early 2025.

Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement, and we hope you'll stay connected to this process as we proceed down this path together.


The Mare Island Company 

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March 4, 2025 - Message to the Community


September 18, 2024 - Message to the Community